Basic Installation

This section covers some key steps to get you started.


There are some software components that need to be installed prior to starting.

  1. Install the prerequisite packages for the easysnmp python pip package. Instructions can be found here.
  2. pattoo only runs on Python 3.6 or higher

Let’s install the software.


Follow these steps.

  1. Install git on your system.

  2. Select and create the parent directory in which you want to install pattoo-agent-snmp.

    $ mkdir -p /installation/parent/directory
    $ cd /installation/parent/directory
  3. Clone the repository to the parent directory using the git clone command. You can also choose to downloading and unzip the file in the parent directory. The repository can be found at:

    $ cd /installation/parent/directory
    $ git clone
  4. Enter the /installation/parent/directory/pattoo-agent-snmp directory with the pattoo-agent-snmp files.

  5. Install the required packages using the pip_requirements document in the pattoo-agent-snmp root directory

    $ pip3 install --user --requirement pip_requirements.txt
  6. Use the Configuration Guide to create a working configuration.

  7. Follow the configuration steps for each daemon as explained in the Agent Documentation.

Configuring systemd Daemons

You can also setup all the pattoo-agent-snmp agents as system daemons by executing the setup/systemd/bin/ script.

You have to specify a --config_dir defining the configuration file directory.

Note The daemons are not enabled or started by default. You will have to do this separately using the systemctl command after running the script.

$ sudo setup/systemd/bin/ --config_dir ~/GitHub/pattoo-agent-snmp/etc

SUCCESS! You are now able to start/stop and enable/disable the following systemd services:

